Exercise & Sports Medicine

Principles of performance enhancement:

An enhancement of Performance demands fulfillment of many factors. For example:
  1. State of being Injury free: An injured athlete will always perform less than his best. However, injuries are part of sports and hence the key is to minimize them and expedite recovery from them. Correct diagnosis, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment and injury prevention guidance can help achieve this.
  2. Physical fitness and conditioning: Years of research have suggested that many of the musculoskeletal issues are predominantly due to lack of physical fitness and conditioning. High level of physical fitness delays onset of fatigue and helps train better, play better and achieve better.
  3. Nutrition: Fueling the activity is one of the most important factors contributing to performance. Not only is the type of food consumed before the activity of importance but also the food eaten after activity in order to restore the energy stores and help recover faster for the next bout of activity.
  4. Appropriate sports gear: The racquet or ball of the athlete is more important once the baseline level performance requirements like fitness and nutrition are met.
  5. Biomechanical analysis of movement: Any movement abnormality usually culminates in injury which poses a threat to play. A detailed analysis of movement by an expert can help identify these and prevent any untoward consequences.
  6. Biomechanical analysis of technique: All sports demand technique precision and this is what differentiates the elite level players.

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